It appears Andy MacIntyre, our rider leader, is a photographer who was exhibited at Mokka Gallery in Newport, KY. The following excerpt was found on the Internet:
"Images from the Road and Trail; contd., is the third exhibition of local adventurer Andrew MacIntyre’s photographs from his bicycle tours across the United States. While leading tours in 2006 from San Diego to St. Augustine (twice), and Anacortes, WA to Bar Harbor, ME, he collected over 10,000 images of wildflowers, stunning panoramas, working cowgirls and their dogs, lonely figures riding mountain tracks and desert roads, and many images of touristy roadside kitsch. New for Andrew is his “on-the-road” portraiture. Portraits include “Anne on her 50th birthday” – a lady paddling a canoe on a quiet upstate New York Lake, “Two Prayers” – a man prays over his meal while his terrier watches intently, “Jeremy at 19” – a portrait of a young man in a New Mexico firehouse, “Pecan buyer in Mississippi” – a man waits for locals to bring him sacks of pecans gleaned from roadsides, “Anne on the Roof” – a touring cyclist rests at the end of her cross-country trip. Other images include, “Crater Peak” - a jay perches on his hand with Crater Peak in the background, “Support Our Troops” – an inspiring mural of a modern Spirit of America from the Southwest, and his very popular “Rainbow Flowers” series.